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Showing posts from 2010

A Summary for My 2010

Before leaving Malaysia, I would like to pen down my summary for year 2010. First of all, thank God for giving me the strength and courage to make it through the year, and to learn so much about life in this one year. To all my friends, bosses, colleagues, family members, classmates and students: I would like to thank you all for what you have done for me in this one year, and for never giving up on me when I gave up on myself. This is not an easy year for me. Many times, many of you would have been seeing me shedding tears in silence… Without all of you, I know that I will never stand up again. Will always carry my promise to be a good lecturer, and to give as much as I can to all the people in my life today. WORK AND CAREER: This is a great year for my career, despite of my high lecturing hours… it went up to as high as 27 hours per week! In just one and a half years’ time, I have accumulated enough experiences in the Diploma school and am slowly moving over to the Degree school. By ...

Eat.Pray.Love "Dolce far niente!"

Read this meaningful blog post, and it is worth sharing! 這純粹是一個愛情故事,不是傳説中被敬奉得仿佛應該成爲現代女性聖典的一碗心靈雞湯。女主角走啊走的,繞了半個地球,走囘終點等於走囘從前,繼續模糊地疼惜自己,繼續忐忑地全身投入愛一個人—— 不過換了一個男人,一次激情。有什麽被改變了嗎,換一個人,從年輕時誤以爲有夢想的男人換成成長后真正已經實現夢想的男人,或曰,有錢有貌有智慧有歷練的男人。 我們都需要像Ketut巫師那樣的一個人吧,一個你始終搞不清楚他到底是能預知天命的高人還是純粹懂得洞悉人心的智者,總之,一個能讓你全心相信的人,將一些你本來就知道的人生道理大大力注入你心,不持久無所謂,當下的當頭棒喝也許就改變了下一刻的決定,自此改變了你的一生。家庭主婦義大利媽媽說你需要一個男人,她嗤之以鼻;巫師助手說你來尋找的不過是男人,她苦惱搖頭嘆氣怎麽大家誤會了她崇高的理想呢;Ketut說這是你需要的男人,她立馬轉身飛奔就去了。這三個人當中的差別是什麽,一樣的指引,來自不能讓她信服的沒有華貴地位的看似庸俗麻木的女人,和來自一個被奉為與神同等的男人,差別在人們心中那把秤。 故事怎樣始終無所謂,當中一些關鍵詞卻是很能引起共鳴的。 1. [God, I'm in serious trouble, I don't know what to do.]—— 這個確實是最嚴重的問題而偏偏正好是大部分人面對的問題啊啊,只不過,我們都善於僞裝欺騙自己,讓一堆有的沒的事情圍繞自己忙了自己,然後託辭說我沒時間思考這些那些。然後日子庸庸碌碌過去,至終我們唯一的欣慰就是數算擁有的財富,孩子的成績,等等之類的事了吧。 2. [The complete and merciless devaluation of self.]—— 愛情裏盲目的人們總會不停地自我貶值,從最初被追求的高度自信,漸漸被磨蝕得失去自信,失去自我,逐漸卑微到一個自己無法察覺在別人眼中卻是一目了然的地步。總有那麽一瞬間你想過,怎樣都無所謂,只要你依然愛我就是。像離婚后的短暫戀情中的小男友說的,我們能不能接受我們就是這樣個性不合、天天吵架、天天賭氣但就是不能分開的情侶,只要確認了這一點,那我們可以繼續miserable地生活下去,但因不必分開而得到慰藉。自不快樂中汲取...


I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Psalm 27:13~14


Forgive them for they don't know what they do Lord And give them the strength to stay true Crying everyday,I know I'll never see the day, When the world is caving in I wonder who'll be saved I know that you love me and You know I love you too Everybody's letting go but Lord I found you I stay blessed with myself Cause it's a test when I walk out I puff my chest at Life's endless challenges I wanna participate and create But there's a barricade within me Wake up and back to sleep Energy depletes Now I'm feeling'dead like a eulogy The duality Of what's real and what's lies I feel the vibes Of chaos and design I got a cup link And I got it straight pimpin' Rock shades at night Cause my loneliness is blaring The only choice I got is fear or love Success is to be with the L.O.V.E. GeeStylesI dougie'd a vision God shows me a path through intuition It's divine decision It's the moment I'm catching If it's a battle for the min...