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Showing posts from December, 2010

A Summary for My 2010

Before leaving Malaysia, I would like to pen down my summary for year 2010. First of all, thank God for giving me the strength and courage to make it through the year, and to learn so much about life in this one year. To all my friends, bosses, colleagues, family members, classmates and students: I would like to thank you all for what you have done for me in this one year, and for never giving up on me when I gave up on myself. This is not an easy year for me. Many times, many of you would have been seeing me shedding tears in silence… Without all of you, I know that I will never stand up again. Will always carry my promise to be a good lecturer, and to give as much as I can to all the people in my life today. WORK AND CAREER: This is a great year for my career, despite of my high lecturing hours… it went up to as high as 27 hours per week! In just one and a half years’ time, I have accumulated enough experiences in the Diploma school and am slowly moving over to the Degree school. By ...