"Life is beautiful..."
I've almost forgotten this phrase which I used to tell myself again and again previously.
How could I forget everything else which is beautiful just because of some disappoinments and pain in my heart? How could I forget the good of everyone else around me just because I've been hurted a few times?
I must remind myself to APPRECIATE all those good people and the GOOD memories I used to have in life. Life isn't so bad afterall...I have my dearest family and true friends who never fails to tell me again and again that no matter what happens, you still have us...You will never be alone.
I love GOD for giving me the strength to face all the obstacles in life... and for giving me a chance to learn so much about life...
Carpe Diem
"Life was meant to be lived and curiosity must be kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn one’s back on life." ELEANOR ROOSEVELT