My first time being a lecturer in a college. Never had this came across my mind before, I mean to lecture. To teach is okay, but to lecture- I always felt that I was underqualified for that... until I joined this college as an education advisor in the Marketing department. Only a month after I joined the new place, my boss suggested me to the Head of the Pre-University Department when they were in need of an Accounting lecturer for the University of New South Wales Foundation program.
I was confused, torn between wanting to accept the offer given to me or just to concentrate at the Marketing department as I was really new in the education industry. I finally accepted the offer, because of my self egoism-I did not want to be underestimated by anyone, and especially by myself and him.
It was hard when I just started. I did not have any lecturing experience before, I had to prepare so much everytime before entering the classes. During the first day I entered the class, there were just 3 students but I was still very nervous. Slowly, I enjoyed lecturing more and more that I wish I had more time to spend in classes rather than the marketing office. Lecturing gives me a sense of satisfaction especially when the students who were without Accounting knowledge started to absorb the Accounting knowledge I taught them.
2 months later, the class expanded from 3 students to 10 students. It was not a big number, but big enough for a new lecturer like myself. However, I was really happy teaching them. Time passed really fast when I lectured. Very soon, they sat for their finals and my task was done. I have never thought that I would love lecturing this much. Thank God that I accepted the offer at the first place.
He got a better offer to work in Nepal then, and he wished that we could go to Nepal together. I resigned from my job then after I have completed lecturing until they sat for their finals. Before I left, they got me a little gift (as in the pictures shown above). I was really touched. Their gift truly provided me with the best motivation I could ever had.
When their results were released, I received text messages and calls from them thanking me for teaching them. 4 of them scored Distinctions, and 6 of them scored Merits for my paper. I am really proud of them. There is nothing else more satisfying then realizing that all your effort is worth it.
I miss each and everyone of them, and I know what I want now. I want to make education my career. I love teaching, and I want to teach again. Carrying this dream, I hope God grants me more luck and courage to do well in the education industry...